Child abuse can take the form of any act of physical, emotional or sexual abuse perpetrated against a child, or can also take the form of neglecting or ignoring the child's emotional and/or physical needs. Child abuse can and does take place outside of the family sometimes with stepfamilies, foster families or babysitters.
Being an adult survivor of child abuse means that you, or someone your care about, endured the pain of child abuse, and survived it. Unfortunately, the survival tactics used to cope with the abuse can later get in the way of productive and satisfying adult lives.
It is possible for survivors to recover from the abuse syndrome, though the recovery process can be a difficult one.
The road to a healthy resolution of an abusive childhood involves deep self-exploration, and sometimes painful recollection of past events and people. Counselling may be a more comfortable mode for you to explore the past. I can help you work through the fear, pain and confusion in a non-judgemental and supportive atmosphere.
If you or someone you care about would like more information contact me. All enquiries will be treated as strictly confidential.